December 24, 2015
Christmas Wishes From Adams Cloud
To those of you who watch the glow of the fire reflecting off their little faces as they wonder how Santa won’t burn himself coming down the chimney
To those of you who catch the sweet sent of your new born baby’s breath as you cradle them in your arms for their first Christmas.
To those of you who softly place your hand on your tummy as you try to calm the pain that wells up as you remember those you love who are no longer with you.
To those of you who are unexpectedly filled with emotion for no apparent reason as you experience the magic of a Christmas Carol
To those of you who want to leave the past behind and hope for a better future
To those of you who reach out for a Christmas embrace over Oceans and Cotenants.
To those of you have been so kind to me with such wonderful support and help in spreading Adams Message of Love Hugs and Kisses.
Most importantly, to those of you who are struck by illness and loss, pain and worry. Let it be known that there is not one person, celebrating Christmas, who is not thinking of you and sending you wishes and hope for your future and that the power of love in your family will see you through your difficult times until you find yourself smiling again.
I wish you all the very best that life has to offer and hope you experience a spiritual, warm, peaceful and magical Christmas filled with Love Hugs and Christmassy kisses.
Merry Christmas From Benji Jackie Harry Robbie Molly (Bailey the Dog) and of Course Adam.
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