Adam and The Magic Rainbow
An Enchanted Fairytale Adventure with Princesses, Wizards, Witches, Knights and Fairies.
The Story
“Just then, right out of nowhere a secret path was cleared,
When the fairies cast their magic spell and a rainbow bridge appeared.”
A magical world of fairies, wizards witches, knights and lucky leprechauns awaits as Adam takes you on an enchanted journey to a world beyond the Magic Rainbow.
The Wicked Witch has stolen all the hugs and kisses from the fairies and high-tailed them back to her castle. With no hugs & kisses for the children of the world can Adam help the fairies and save the day to get the hugs and kisses back with help from, Prince Robbie, Princess Molly and Harry, their Knight in shining armour?
Enjoy an unforgettable and enchanting bedtime experience to share with any child that believes in magic…
A Note From Benji
Rainbow’s still cast a spell over me. When those spellbound mystical colours created when radiant sun rays collide with delicate water droplets they awaken nostalgic sentiments and happy childhood memories of fairies, magic, and fantasy that stop me in my tracks.
An enchanted bridge, connecting worlds they represent hope and happiness and offer us all a moment to dream big and make wishes. Like me, everyone needs a magic rainbow in their lives and Adam’s magic rainbow is one you will want to cherish with your children.
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